Block 1929343
Height | 1929343 |
Timestamp (UTC) | 1683784588 -> 2023-05-11 05:56:28 |
Difficulty | D = 1052.05859375 = 1052 + 15/256 |
Finder | TomB | Target (T) | āDā = 1052 L = 11 H = 13883796774432939909788651466850213083139952718592199823554988828599902021350 T = 2āDā + L Ć 2āDā - 8 + H Ć 2āDā - 264 |
Offset (X) | P = 96 f = 67331668 o = 235367427477641 o' = 0 X = pP# - (T mod pP#) + f Ć pP# + o |
Base Prime | n = T + X + o' = 50352579198589042006810436712683108130342814934397616946488565927076034055771245207064111172192002167218627077308505253595739167143287507053441515614115495104119066928109680133630545574697692205211759925765867182644004250955876314785099896656579180708137250089169219819112345043896418189326272259726939129373193235241 = 801820724387521266722551995152429885722213848196038078468005481798910845204021619295101387343806495401943280 Ć p96# + 235367427477641 log2(n) = ~1052.0613436634, 317 digits |
Pattern | n + (0, 2, 6, 8, 12, 18, 20, 26), length 8 |
You can learn more about the PoW protocol here.
o' is not part of the Riecoin protocol, it is used here to adjust the Base Prime for some 8-tuples and longer so the pattern offsets start at 0.
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