Block 2188671
Height | 2188671 |
Timestamp (UTC) | 1722572447 -> 2024-08-02 04:20:47 |
Difficulty | D = 940.69921875 = 940 + 179/256 |
Finder | Anonymous | Target (T) | āDā = 940 L = 160 H = 89921556703067246505680683887932109408944954540588214955185322915381730437658 T = 2āDā + L Ć 2āDā - 8 + H Ć 2āDā - 264 |
Offset (X) | P = 86 f = 347602559 o = 701889794782061 o' = 0 X = pP# - (T mod pP#) + f Ć pP# + o |
Base Prime | n = T + X + o' = 15130708450385147208498449348184911290923302290343884775830223891244053466483506561733542282761262196164519867716083990870008740285437123879270302718864704633897815643444009313195906767236621139593519191853716214996640563567403901661204120569426878143656715411916791949184828026955941 = 141674162633537944612136175145763308823103886191794023930596525539716975594801169725155543529137310252 Ć p86# + 701889794782061 log2(n) = ~940.70313039216, 284 digits |
Pattern | n + (0, 2, 6, 8, 12, 18, 20), length 7 |
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o' is not part of the Riecoin protocol, it is used here to adjust the Base Prime for some 8-tuples and longer so the pattern offsets start at 0.
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