2501 Release Notes

Riecoin Core 2501 was released on January 9, 2025. Latest binaries for Riecoin Core are available from: https://riecoin.xyz/Core/.

Please report bugs or open any relevant discussion about Riecoin Core on the Riecoin Forum: https://riecoin.xyz/Forum


Riecoin Core is supported and tested on recent Debian based Linux distributions and Windows 11. It should also work on Windows 10 and most other Unix-like systems, but is not as much tested on them, and full functionality on unsupported systems is not guaranteed.

How to Upgrade

From 2304 or 2404

A few points may have to be taken care of when upgrading from 2304 or 2404. Also, consider checking the changes from 2404 below if you are making advanced use of Riecoin Core (to run a Pool, etc). In all cases,

Then check the following points,

Once the points have been sorted out, run the installer again (on Windows) or replace riecoind/riecoin-qt by the newer one and restart it (on Linux).

From 2203-

In the case you are still running Riecoin Core 2203 or older, the upgrade to 2304+ is not trivial. We invite you to read the 2304 and 2404 release notes in addition to the points above.

Changes from Riecoin Core 2404

Here is a list of changes from Riecoin Core 2404:

It is always recommended to upgrade as soon as possible to the newest Riecoin Core version. Upgrading from versions older than the previous one is in most cases possible, but the larger the version difference is, the more difficult, risky, and less supported the upgrade will be. You are responsible for following the latest Riecoin news and upgrading regularly.

Notably, the next major version, expected around July or August 2025, is planned to bring a hard fork, so it is important to be ready with 2501 at this time. Riecoin 2507 or 2508 (provisional) will be designed so that the upgrade from 2501 is as trivial as possible.


Riecoin Core 2501 Developer List:

Credits are also due for the Bitcoin Developers who contributed from Bitcoin 27.0 to 28.0 and until January 3 (see the release notes above).