Connection errors

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Connection errors

Post by Sinclair-Speccy »

Haha I seem to not be having much luck getting RieMiner to work. I did a previous post which fixed my first issue of having payout errors however I seem to be having more. Despite the details being the same on both the rieMiner.conf and riecoin.conf, I get errors with the connection when launching rieminer.

It says

Code: Select all

Connecting to Riecoin server...
Curl_easy_perform() failed: Couldn't connect to server
Could not get a first job from the server!
Please check your connection, configuration or credentials. Retry in 10 s...
I have allowed the app through my firewall however that seems to be fine too. Here's the full debug log:

Code: Select all

rieMiner0.93a2, Riecoin miner by Pttn and contributors
Project page:
Riecoin Whitepaper:
Launch with 'help' as first argument for a quick usage guide
Assembly code by Michael Bell (Rockhawk)
G++ 12.0.0 -
OpenSSL 3.0.5 5 Jul 2022 -
Curl 7.84.0 -
NLohmann Json 3.10.5 -
Build for: Windows on x64
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590 CPU @ 3.30GHz
Best SIMD instructions supported by the CPU: AVX2
This build does not support AVX2
Physical Memory: 7.915 GiB
Opening configuration file rieMiner.conf...
Solo mining via host  [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong. IP is my PC's IP with the correct port set as I copied the template on the wiki]
Username: sinclairspeccy
Password: <11 character(s)>
Payout address: [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong]
ScriptPubKey: [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong]
Consensus rules: segwit
Auto retune when the Difficulty varies by a factor 1.03
Stats refresh interval: 30 s
Connecting to Riecoin server...
Curl_easy_perform() failed: Couldn't connect to server
Could not get a first job from the server!
Please check your connection, configuration or credentials. Retry in 10 s...
Connecting to Riecoin server...
Curl_easy_perform() failed: Couldn't connect to server
Could not get a first job from the server!
Please check your connection, configuration or credentials. Retry in 10 s...
Connecting to Riecoin server...
Curl_easy_perform() failed: Couldn't connect to server
Could not get a first job from the server!
Please check your connection, configuration or credentials. Retry in 10 s...

Signal 2 received, stopping rieMiner.
Could this be a router issue with it blocking access?
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Re: Connection errors

Post by Pttn »

This time, it must be something on your end because I just copy pasted the configs from the guides without even touching them to check and don't have any problem to start mining. Cannot really give a better advice than the "Please check your connection, configuration or credentials" Lol
I don't know if you put some weird symbols for the Password, maybe it could mess up something... Or maybe there are some annoying trailing characters somewhere... Check in the Debug.log file in the Riecoin Core Data Directory if there are messages like "Incorrect Password Attempt" that could support such hypothesis...

Code: Select all




Code: Select all

Mode = Solo
Host =
Port = 28332
Username = username
Password = password
PayoutAddress = ric1qpttn5u8u9470za84kt4y0lzz4zllzm4pyzhuge

Code: Select all

rieMiner0.93a2, Riecoin miner by Pttn and contributors
Project page:
Riecoin Whitepaper:
Launch with 'help' as first argument for a quick usage guide
Assembly code by Michael Bell (Rockhawk)
G++ 12.0.0 -
OpenSSL 3.0.5 5 Jul 2022 -
Curl 7.84.0 -
NLohmann Json 3.10.5 -
Build for: Windows on x64
Processor: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1260P
Best SIMD instructions supported by the CPU: AVX2
This build supports AVX2
Physical Memory: 5.984 GiB
Opening configuration file rieMiner.conf...
Solo mining via host, port 28332
Username: username
Password: <8 character(s)>
Payout address: ric1qpttn5u8u9470za84kt4y0lzz4zllzm4pyzhuge
ScriptPubKey:   00140ad73a70fc2d7cf174f5b2ea47fc42a8bff16ea1
Consensus rules: segwit
Auto retune when the Difficulty varies by a factor 1.03
Stats refresh interval: 30 s
Connecting to Riecoin server...
Accepted constellation pattern(s):
        0 - 0, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2
        1 - 0, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 2
None or not compatible one specified, choosing a random one: pattern 1
Initializing miner...
Threads: 2 (1 Sieve Worker(s))
Constellation pattern: n + (0, 2, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20), length 7
Prime Table Limit: 803168768
Generating prime table using sieve of Eratosthenes...
Table with all 41300662 first primes generated in 2.43534 s (330405296 bytes)...
Sieve Size: 2^25 = 33554432 (524288 words)
Sieve Iterations: 16
Primorial Factor Max: 536870912
Primorial Number: 90
Primorial: p90# = 463# = ~4.677492136955*10^192 (641 bits)
Primorial Offsets: 68
Prime index threshold: 28192750
Estimated additional factors: 74562684 (allocated per iteration: 4951491)
Precomputing modular inverses and division data...
Tables of 41300572 modular inverses and 41300572 division entries generated in 3.75047 s (495607944 bytes).
Allocating 4194304 bytes for the primorial factors tables...
Allocating 789397000 bytes for the primorial factors...
Allocating 316895424 bytes for the additional primorial factors..
Done initializing miner.
Starting the miner's master thread...
Starting 2 miner's worker threads...
[Oct 14 01:10:56.4] Started mining at block 2019270, difficulty 966.145
Regarding whether some info should be hidden or not (scroll to the right):

Code: Select all

Solo mining via host  [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong. IP is my PC's IP with the correct port set as I copied the template on the wiki] <- if it is, definitively not, if it is it is merely a local Ip so sharing this online will in practice never harm you either. If it is something else, well if you actually put your public Ip it is usually wrong to do that and will certainly be the cause of the connection issue!
Username: sinclairspeccy
Password: <11 character(s)>
Payout address: [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong] <- Addresses are public so you can share this without problem, unless you really care about your privacy and don't want that people for example associate this particular Address with your username. One cannot steal funds by merely knowing an Address.
ScriptPubKey: [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong] <- The Address is merely an encoding of this so knowing this will allow someone to derive the Address and vice versa.
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Connection errors

Post by Sinclair-Speccy »

Pttn wrote: 2023-10-13 23:45:43 This time, it must be something on your end because I just copy pasted the configs from the guides without even touching them to check and don't have any problem to start mining. Cannot really give a better advice than the "Please check your connection, configuration or credentials" Lol
I don't know if you put some weird symbols for the Password, maybe it could mess up something... Or maybe there are some annoying trailing characters somewhere... Check in the Debug.log file in the Riecoin Core Data Directory if there are messages like "Incorrect Password Attempt" that could support such hypothesis...

Code: Select all




Code: Select all

Mode = Solo
Host =
Port = 28332
Username = username
Password = password
PayoutAddress = ric1qpttn5u8u9470za84kt4y0lzz4zllzm4pyzhuge

Code: Select all

rieMiner0.93a2, Riecoin miner by Pttn and contributors
Project page:
Riecoin Whitepaper:
Launch with 'help' as first argument for a quick usage guide
Assembly code by Michael Bell (Rockhawk)
G++ 12.0.0 -
OpenSSL 3.0.5 5 Jul 2022 -
Curl 7.84.0 -
NLohmann Json 3.10.5 -
Build for: Windows on x64
Processor: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1260P
Best SIMD instructions supported by the CPU: AVX2
This build supports AVX2
Physical Memory: 5.984 GiB
Opening configuration file rieMiner.conf...
Solo mining via host, port 28332
Username: username
Password: <8 character(s)>
Payout address: ric1qpttn5u8u9470za84kt4y0lzz4zllzm4pyzhuge
ScriptPubKey:   00140ad73a70fc2d7cf174f5b2ea47fc42a8bff16ea1
Consensus rules: segwit
Auto retune when the Difficulty varies by a factor 1.03
Stats refresh interval: 30 s
Connecting to Riecoin server...
Accepted constellation pattern(s):
        0 - 0, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2
        1 - 0, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 2
None or not compatible one specified, choosing a random one: pattern 1
Initializing miner...
Threads: 2 (1 Sieve Worker(s))
Constellation pattern: n + (0, 2, 8, 12, 14, 18, 20), length 7
Prime Table Limit: 803168768
Generating prime table using sieve of Eratosthenes...
Table with all 41300662 first primes generated in 2.43534 s (330405296 bytes)...
Sieve Size: 2^25 = 33554432 (524288 words)
Sieve Iterations: 16
Primorial Factor Max: 536870912
Primorial Number: 90
Primorial: p90# = 463# = ~4.677492136955*10^192 (641 bits)
Primorial Offsets: 68
Prime index threshold: 28192750
Estimated additional factors: 74562684 (allocated per iteration: 4951491)
Precomputing modular inverses and division data...
Tables of 41300572 modular inverses and 41300572 division entries generated in 3.75047 s (495607944 bytes).
Allocating 4194304 bytes for the primorial factors tables...
Allocating 789397000 bytes for the primorial factors...
Allocating 316895424 bytes for the additional primorial factors..
Done initializing miner.
Starting the miner's master thread...
Starting 2 miner's worker threads...
[Oct 14 01:10:56.4] Started mining at block 2019270, difficulty 966.145
Regarding whether some info should be hidden or not (scroll to the right):

Code: Select all

Solo mining via host  [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong. IP is my PC's IP with the correct port set as I copied the template on the wiki] <- if it is, definitively not, if it is it is merely a local Ip so sharing this online will in practice never harm you either. If it is something else, well if you actually put your public Ip it is usually wrong to do that and will certainly be the cause of the connection issue!
Username: sinclairspeccy
Password: <11 character(s)>
Payout address: [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong] <- Addresses are public so you can share this without problem, unless you really care about your privacy and don't want that people for example associate this particular Address with your username. One cannot steal funds by merely knowing an Address.
ScriptPubKey: [removing because idk if this can be stolen or should be spread. Correct me if wrong] <- The Address is merely an encoding of this so knowing this will allow someone to derive the Address and vice versa.
Do things like "!" and all count as weird symbols? I don't think they really should as that's not in the password or anywhere else. I checked the debug log in the data folder but there's nothing relating to passwords.

I also checked my router and Riecoin can get through it... I wonder what could be causing it?
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Riecoin Address: ric1qpttn5u8u9470za84kt4y0lzz4zllzm4pyzhuge

Re: Connection errors

Post by Pttn »

Since the config templates work well in fresh Windows Installs, it must be something outside of my control that is messing up something, so I cannot really help further...

Solo Mining is also the hard way to mine, as you could see there can be lots of factors that could interfere with the connection, from a trailing space to a closed port via a paranoid antivirus or firewall... You can try Pooled Mining instead which may also be more suited for an about 10 years old i5 4590, or if you have some spare machines (or make a Virtual Machine), see if it is working there, investigate some more and share how you resolved the issue if you managed to do it to possibly help future people if they encounter the same problem under similar conditions.
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Connection errors

Post by Sinclair-Speccy »

Pttn wrote: 2023-10-15 08:58:00 Since the config templates work well in fresh Windows Installs, it must be something outside of my control that is messing up something, so I cannot really help further...

Solo Mining is also the hard way to mine, as you could see there can be lots of factors that could interfere with the connection, from a trailing space to a closed port via a paranoid antivirus or firewall... You can try Pooled Mining instead which may also be more suited for an about 10 years old i5 4590, or if you have some spare machines (or make a Virtual Machine), see if it is working there, investigate some more and share how you resolved the issue if you managed to do it to possibly help future people if they encounter the same problem under similar conditions.
So pooled mining works, depending on what I pick. Gypsum gives connection errors like below but MiningMadness does not. I guess you could argue it works? I think I might end up writing a guide on my site and experimenting with it in a VM to see if I get connection errors there.

Code: Select all

Connecting to Riecoin server...
Host: ' ->
Sent to pool: {"id": 0, "method": "mining.subscribe", "params": ["rieMiner/0.93"]}
Received: {"id":0,"result":[[["mining.set_difficulty","00000000000000006b0a000000000000"],["mining.notify","00000000000000006b0a000000000000"]],"07ffff4d",1],"error":null}
Successfully subscribed to the pool. Subscriptions:
	mining.set_difficulty: 00000000000000006b0a000000000000
	mining.notify: 00000000000000006b0a000000000000
ExtraNonce1    = 07ffff4d
extraNonce2Len = 1
Received: {"id":null,"method":"mining.set_difficulty","params":[5]}
Received request from pool with unsupported method mining.set_difficulty
Pool message was: {"id":null,"method":"mining.set_difficulty","params":[5]}Received: {"id":1,"result":false,"error":null}
Authorization refused by the pool. Please check your credentials.
Pool message was: {"id":1,"result":false,"error":null}
Could not get a first job from the pool!
Please check your connection, configuration or credentials. Retry in 10 s...
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Posts: 221
Joined: 2021-02-18 21:32:13
Location: Switzerland
Riecoin Address: ric1qpttn5u8u9470za84kt4y0lzz4zllzm4pyzhuge

Re: Connection errors

Post by Pttn »

Gypsum has not updated their code to support the new ric1p Address Format, which is why it did not work...
So yeah, I will argue that rieMiner does work Lol
Riecoin developer pool operator
Posts: 4
Joined: 2023-11-11 21:30:12

Re: Connection errors

Post by yerus »

Pttn wrote: 2023-10-13 23:45:43 ...Check in the Debug.log file in the Riecoin Core Data Directory if there are messages...
I was having the same error on my Linux Workstation so I checked the log as Pttn suggested and found the following message:

"2023-11-11T18:37:44Z Config file: /home/yerus/.riecoin/riecoin.conf (not found, skipping)"

After placing the Config file in the correct path, the solo mining works as expected.

Hope that helps and thanks for the tip Pttn.
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