Broadcom BCM2712 (Raspberry Pi 5)

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Broadcom BCM2712 (Raspberry Pi 5)

Post by Pttn »

Share your experience here if you mine with such ARM CPU, which is in particular used in the Raspberry Pi 5.

Just got a 8 GiB one. Compared to the Pi 4 (@1.6 GHz), I saw an improvement of about 1.8x (+80%), with 1.5x due to the clock increase from 1.6 to 2.4 GHz, and the IPC increase from A72 to A76 explains the remaining 1.2x factor. However, the Power Consumption also increases. This can be limited by undervolting the Cpu with the over_voltage_delta Option in the Config.txt. It takes an Offset in Microvolts. -0.12V (-120000) would not even boot with a Kernel Panic, but I could run a 16 minutes Benchmark with -0.11V (-110000), so a -0.1V (-100000) Offset should be stable for the long run, though this can vary depending on whether you won or lost the Silicon Lottery...
Kind of disappointing that they still use outdated technology at the time as we now have like 4 nm 8 Cores in Smartphones (the BCM2712 is 16 nm, and 14 nm exists since Intel Broadwell released in 2015)...

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I saw the wattage go from about 9.5W to 8W. In comparison, the Pi 4 had a Power Consumption of about 6W when mining RIC. It is still possible to use a Passive Heatsink like the Pi 4 at 2.4 GHz, though temperatures can easily reach 70-75°C (with the Undervolt). While it is under the 85°C threshold and will not throttle, it is up to you if you are comfortable with such temperatures... You can still underclock the Cpu and undervolt further if you want, or get Active Cooling and see if it can still mine efficiently at 3 GHz or so...

Here are good settings for the current Difficulties. It should work well for the 4 GiB model too.

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Threads = 4
PrimeTableLimit = 2147483648
SieveWorkers = 1
SieveBits = 24
You should earn about 3.5 RIC/day at Difficulties around 960 if there are no other CPU intensive application.
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