[Current] Riecoin Core 2501

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[Current] Riecoin Core 2501

Post by Pttn »

Riecoin Core is the software enabling the use of the Riecoin currency, and notably includes a fully functional wallet. It is a software fork of Bitcoin Core.

Project Page with Binaries and Guides: https://riecoin.xyz/Core/
Repository: https://github.com/RiecoinTeam/Riecoin
Release notes: https://riecoin.xyz/Core/2501/

Only discuss about the 2501 version here.
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Re: [Current] Riecoin Core 2501

Post by Pttn »

And here we go, new major Riecoin Version: 2501. Let's drop the dot; remember Windows 10 1507, 1511, 1607,...?

As usual, the rationales for some changes that are not coming from Bitcoin.

The existence of Bech32 and Bech32M was due to an issue discovered some time after Bech32 was already established enough in Bitcoin. Bech32M fixes that issue, but since Bitcoin Developers give very high importance to compatibility, they have to bother to maintain both formats forever... We are not going to do that, and since ric1p Addresses are already widespread, we can afford to change the Checksum computation without affecting many users.

The SendMany change also goes in line with the Riecoin principle of not carrying a legacy burden. Actually it should have been done earlier but was somehow overlooked.

No more R and T Addresses, they are now displayed as plain hexadecimal. Nobody should be using these anymore anyway. There are still ways to retrieve funds from these Addresses for now, but at this point any fund left in these Addresses can be deemed as abandoned or discarded, and become definitively lost in a future update (the Third Hard Fork would be too soon, but maybe in a Fourth one a few years later).
Old Accounts on FreiExchange may still have a Legacy Address for Deposits, if you are in this situation, try requesting a new Deposit Address via a ticket, or make a new Account with another Email...

For the next major version, a Hard Fork is planned in order to provide a new way to beat Prime Constellations Records, and at the same time to enhance or fix some low level things. In particular it would be nice to revert back to the 32 bits Timestamps as 32 bits are wasted in every block... 32 bits Unsigned Timestamps like in Bitcoin will not be a problem until 2106 and there is plenty of time to think of a simple fix...
I am even thinking about just storing the difference with the last Block, for this 16 bits would be enough and we would not even have to deal with anything in 2106 or even 584 billions of years Lol
Though I hope that implementing this would not turn out to be too complex, that there is not too many things dependent on absolute times...
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