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Riecoin faucet not seeing my PoWc?

Posted: 2023-10-25 04:39:40
by einsam
Hello All,

When I try to use the faucet, it tells me I have no PoWc, yet on my mining profile it shows a balance of PoWc. How do I claim from the faucet if it does not read my balance correctly? Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Riecoin faucet not seeing my PoWc?

Posted: 2023-10-25 05:46:35
by Pttn
It works fine for me, I assume that you forgot to set the PoWc limit (by default, it is 0, meaning that the Faucet cannot consume nor see any PoWc). Please create another token with a proper PoWc limit.

Re: Riecoin faucet not seeing my PoWc?

Posted: 2023-10-25 07:18:10
by einsam
Did as instructed, and now it works fine. Thank you!