This forum is intended for Riecoin users and contributors, though anyone having interest in the project or anything using RIC is welcome to join. It is also the official communication channel of the Riecoin project, important changes and projects should be discussed here rather than in Discord or other places, and official news are published in the News subforum.
Behave well, respect others, follow standard behavior rules. Do not post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where the Riecoin Forum is hosted or International Law. Keep public discussions in English.
Various subforums like Mining, Trading,... are proposed, and they have additional rules, please read and follow them. Always make sure that you create topics at the appropriate places. When joining, you can introduce yourself in the New Members subforum if you wish.
We have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit.
Always credit properly copyrighted work and avoid copyright infringements. Avoid using shortened links or redirections.
Except in rare cases like creating a temporary account because you cannot access to your current one, only one account is allowed per person, and you may not share nor transmit it.
Don't use the forum if you don't agree with the rules. They may also be modified at any time.
The cookie system and how account information is stored are explained in this page.
The IP address of all posts are recorded and any information you have entered is stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent (unless required by the law or to fill complaints if you misuse the forum), we shall not be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.
Deleted posts are actually just hidden and remain in the database, but we will delete them permanently once a while.
Use of Tor or proxies is currently not disallowed, but this may change if such services start to be abused for any malicious activities. We do not guaranty nor support the correct operation of the Riecoin Forum under these conditions.
You have the right to be forgotten and may ask a Forum Staff Member to delete completely all your information at any time. Banned IPs and Email Addresses will however always be retained. We may also keep offending posts in our database if we deem it necessary. Please also note that we don't have influence over caching or archival websites so you may have to contact relevant sites to delete your posts there as well.
The ranks are mostly aesthetic, except for the Newbie Rank, which new users get. Newbies cannot send private messages and their posts must be approved by a moderator. This rank disappears once a post has been approved.
If you have issues with the forum, you can contact a Forum Staff member. They moderate or administer the forum.
Failure to follow the rules or misbehaving will result in a caution
Examples of cautionable offenses include:
Posting, creating topics at the wrong places (if you hesitate between some places, don't worry, but in this case do not make duplicate posts);
Repetitive or uninteresting off-topic content;
Low effort posts;
Vulgar/NSFW material (also as username or profile picture);
Promoting/suggesting other coins or unrelated websites;
Posting referral links;
Excessive or inappropriate use of Private Messaging;
Using multiple accounts;
Not following a forum or subforum rule.
Nasty behavior will lead to a direct ban. Examples include
Spamming (join just to advertise, post nonsense messages...);
Gratuitous criticism, trolling;
Impersonating a member;
Getting a second active warning will result in a one month ban;
Hate speech and threats will result in a permanent ban;
Circumventing a ban will get all your accounts permanently banned;
Harming directly or indirectly others, the Riecoin community or project, or encouraging harm, will result in a permanent ban. This applies even if it takes place outside the forum.
Bans from the Riecoin Discord are carried over to the Forum and reciprocally.
The Riecoin Forum is based on PhpBB. If you frequent other PhpBB forums, using the Riecoin Forum is the same. Otherwise take a look at the FAQ.
To format your posts, use BBCode, there is a guide here.
Emojis 😀
In other PhpBB boards, you are probably used to the smilies feature. They are disabled in this forum, but as long as your web browser is not too old, you can freely use emojis simply by copy-pasting them or using special keyboards. This makes the smilies redundant and is the reason they are disabled.
Official Unicode Emoji List
You can also insert the Riecoin Logo with BBCode: