Forum rules
Here are some tasks that will earn you a bounty if you fulfill them! In the other direction, if you want to see something accomplished, create a new bounty!
Bounties must be paid in RIC or reward work related to Riecoin, otherwise there is no real restriction on the type so you may make reasonable off-topic bounties as long as they are paid in RIC.
For bounty hunters, be careful if a bounty is from a recently registered member or low rank member, if unsure to not hesitate to ask questions to the offerer or ask a higher ranked member to act as an escrow agent. Do take an offer only if you are actually and seriously working on it, else you will be cautioned .
If you are offering a bounty, you should write precise conditions and must give the bounty if someone meets them. You must ensure that the funds are always available, and if you fail to pay the bounty, you will be permanently banned . You may close a bounty at any time, but not if someone is working on it and can provide concrete and satisfying results, even partial. If you close a bounty in this situation, you will be cautioned (this does of course not apply if you close due to a deadline).
as confirmation a transfer will be made from ric1qdekpf4v3lwhfu2apasq4metfuuu35q4keu5prq to project donation ric1qr3yxckxtl7lacvtuzhrdrtrlzvlydane2h37ja for amount 1.13579135 RIC after posting this message,
Also all blocks generated by this address are "signed" - have custom COINBASE (suffix) message: "/PROTONPOOL-TEST/"
This address is official address of mining pool that will be launched soon and prize will be a good reward for people engaged in
this project in its early tests.
The proof will be enough, 1500 Riecoins Sent. Good luck with your pool and make it great to attract new miners and find even more awesome records!
Transaction Id: 84385922a1a07fffbcfcd0296bcdddf676eec8a31495d54a697f1bca5edfb309
I come to request the reward for PrimaPool'Solo.
On block 1542990 with ric1qjw6kgaw8hfk4y9m7ckrg0pjjlscljxaczmxuam.
500RIC reward will need to be sent to winner wallet without pool fees for this one :
500 RIC sent to ric1qjw6kgaw8hfk4y9m7ckrg0pjjlscljxaczmxuam. I let you send yourself coins to the miner.
Transaction Id: 3b032a9fd89b6a472fa48df737b03296775dd4b7db9f88fdc7b8e2abf4a29086
riecoin-cli verifymessage RSoTqUcauJewHZYmPnM8w3p1LVcV5C2Fh1 "IH0o2B7+gWOTA12mjDGbzb4q7vR+VkmzChuePSSuoTwaNhw2N3yUIuGHU4b61XGrn3pypmizFgPxY7rUnR12YH4=" "I am honored to be the first to find a 10-tuple"
Congratulations on the 10-tuple! Most will never have the chance to find such a record in their lifetime.
10000 RIC Sent, Transaction Id 5ac9743db99b95fae0b6b1a445172d34a58623f8fe0b7aadf0d63acdb5f91ce7
Please consider moving to a Bech32 (ric1) address as Legacy will be less and less supported by Riecoin applications, and there will soon be new rules for the rewards, that will require a Bech32 address to be eligible.
I am coming to claim the PrimaPool'Solo reward for the 9 tuplets found on block 1558658.
A wallet has been specially created to manage the PrimaPool'Solo rewards.
Reward rules changed, now based on the current Block Reward, and also incentivizing miners to hold RIC in order to earn better rewards.
One can now actually earn twice than before by holding enough RIC.
It will be enough if the Pool Operator owns more than 25000 RIC, and I know that you control an address holding at least this amount. I might require 25000 RIC per pool, though...
So 2x 2000 RIC for beating twice the record by good margins, plus a surprise 1000 RIC Bonus for the first 9-tuple over 1000!
Transaction Id: 2073a6d2baf656b858619d235bbd473ccac06cc0ac1fea0291c08927ae71a245
But damn, where did all the miners go?! Really disappointing and discouraging to see the Difficulty drop by 100 in barely a few days... We are not even safe from going under 900 again -_-
We will have to wait for a while before never seeing under 1000 again...
Btw, please consider adding some restrictions to the reward distribution as it will likely be hit by one of those big miners that don't care about Riecoin, don't hesitate to leave and crash the Difficulty, and just dump the coins right away on SouthXchange or FreiExchange, defeating the purpose of requiring to do the effort to post in this topic to get the bounty as well as the condition of holding coins as those people likely hold 0 RIC after dumping them... If someone gets the Bounty, it should at least be someone that has a clue about what he is mining and if possible supporting the project...