Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

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Here are some tasks that will earn you a bounty if you fulfill them! In the other direction, if you want to see something accomplished, create a new bounty!
Bounties must be paid in RIC or reward work related to Riecoin, otherwise there is no real restriction on the type so you may make reasonable off-topic bounties as long as they are paid in RIC.
For bounty hunters, be careful if a bounty is from a recently registered member or low rank member, if unsure to not hesitate to ask questions to the offerer or ask a higher ranked member to act as an escrow agent. Do take an offer only if you are actually and seriously working on it, else you will be cautioned Image.
If you are offering a bounty, you should write precise conditions and must give the bounty if someone meets them. You must ensure that the funds are always available, and if you fail to pay the bounty, you will be permanently banned Image. You may close a bounty at any time, but not if someone is working on it and can provide concrete and satisfying results, even partial. If you close a bounty in this situation, you will be cautioned Image (this does of course not apply if you close due to a deadline).
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Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by Pttn »

Offered by the Riecoin Project, using the project funds.

Rewards: 40x the current Block Reward without Fee (currently, 500 RIC) for 9-tuples and 400x (so 5000 RIC) for 10-tuples and longer. If the tuple beats the world record by a margin of at least 1% (in terms of Difficulty/Log2), the reward will be doubled.
From ric1pstellap55ue6keg3ta2qwlxr0h58g66fd7y4ea78hzkj3r4lstrsk4clvn
The rewards may be modified at any time.

If the tuple beats the world record by a margin of at least 1% (in terms of Difficulty/Log2), the reward will be doubled.

Time Limit: None, but you can claim the bounty only at most a month after the block's Timestamp.

Conditions: find a prime 9-tuplet or longer while mining. It does not have to beat a world k-tuplet record. The constellation must be the PoW result of a block accepted by the Riecoin Network.
The block must be associated to your Riecoin Explorer account (create it here), which must be linked to the Riecoin Forum by registering the same address in your Profile.
If you Solo Mined, the block will automatically be associated to the account (if any) which the registered address belongs to.
Otherwise, check if your pool provides a way to associate a block to your account. Not all pools implement this, please contact the pool operator or choose another pool.
The block must follow the general consensus and avoid using outdated features, for example a block not signalling support for an important softfork or using non Bech32 coinbase output addresses will disqualify from the reward.
To get the bounty, you must prove that hold at least 50000 RIC with Bech32 addresses you own, plus any RIC you claimed from this bounty. We may also reserve the right to refuse the bounty if we judge that these holdings will probably be sold.
The bounty must be claimed in this topic and it will be paid after verification.
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by romezowe »

Here is all what I can do at the moment to verify post below:

Code: Select all

I am happy to be winner. If I pass verification I guarantee that reward will be spent
only on expenses for my Riecoin projects.

Due to issue with Signing Messages by new addresses I made
transaction from mining address to donation address and  to my old type Rie Address and signed message with it (RRPaXkSNDgtC1KJEZZA1QTuXSdpKNnHXRM), 
Transaction ID: 9f403a6fbcb95d6151e76defc8d67eddcc090f5efb40f9cddcff44e8508dfa66

signing address: "RRPaXkSNDgtC1KJEZZA1QTuXSdpKNnHXRM"

message: "This is my address: ric1qkzm5qfppw8n7m404j9t3t22xkvsjf39rfsjl7x
Regarding to 9 tuple, forum contest

My address: ric1qkzm5qfppw8n7m404j9t3t22xkvsjf39rfsjl7x
Signing address: RRPaXkSNDgtC1KJEZZA1QTuXSdpKNnHXRM"

signature: "IOULhZfg4GzagFJlLuLsu0gKBc+v/O4trijTmBgTeAtval8IulmgzaxzeNKeXrv1IL92BkNEgpXwq6tmwI281kE="

(remove ")
Last edited by romezowe on 2021-04-18 18:17:49, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by Pttn »

That will do, congratulations :D ! Thank you for posting. If you wish, you may request "ric1qkzm5qfppw8n7m404j9t3t22xkvsjf39rfsjl7x" to be shown as "romezowe" (or anything you want) in the Constellation Explorer.

1000 RIC were sent to ric1qkzm5qfppw8n7m404j9t3t22xkvsjf39rfsjl7x.
Transaction Id: aeb575477ea4341dbdc56a58685a94c9622543d6756cad228a541f4687fbbe4d
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by romezowe »

Thank you so much! :)

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by DeKon »

I come to request the reward for PrimaPool.
Rewards will be sent to a wallet which will be used
and redistributed as an Airdrop and Bonus to Space Miners.

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Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by Pttn »

As discussed, I have enough proofs for you, so reward sent, congratulations again :D !
Let's even give you a bonus of 100 RIC for the first 8-tuple of a Difficulty of at least 900 (Block 1499172)!

1100 RIC were sent to ric1qxg3qnx85tyuqjevevyp9kckk3hm44u5vncjx2s.
Transaction Id: 8fcd5f149bb55830ca1183f3f93295f731b959b81b8f1848ddbcdd7ed8f2252d
And this will probably not be the last reward!
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Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by xpoolx »


Im here to claim the 1000 RIC reward XD

the address is: RY2joNnEG5ztjsihMNysyWWb7LfinQ9ixi

Im collecting funds to improve the server this summer.

Thanks a lot!!
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Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by Pttn »

I also have enough proof from you.

1000 RIC were sent to RY2joNnEG5ztjsihMNysyWWb7LfinQ9ixi.
Transaction Id: 85e95a78a7dc5d95dd9f805b7d1259d245569697ac1ec89d9539d8b3e7e55cf3

Congratulations again!
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by DeKon »

Je suis de retour...
I come to request the reward of 500 RIC for PrimaPool.
Rewards will be sent to a wallet which will be used
and redistributed as an Airdrop and Bonus to Space Miners.


Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by romezowe »

I propose to make a special address where we ("we" - I have in min "ricksters" :P) will be sending from time to time some RICKs and it will be for next reward. Maybe I will begin... I will create a wallet and send private keys to most trusted people in this project I only know :)

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by romezowe »

Everyone interested in supporting rewards for miners are welcome to make donations to this address:
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Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by Pttn »

DeKon wrote: 2021-05-11 12:03:00 Hi,
Je suis de retour...
I come to request the reward of 500 RIC for PrimaPool.
Rewards will be sent to a wallet which will be used
and redistributed as an Airdrop and Bonus to Space Miners.

500 RIC were sent to ric1qxg3qnx85tyuqjevevyp9kckk3hm44u5vncjx2s. Gg again :D !
I am taking this opportunity to also claim 500 RIC for myself for my own 9-tuple in Block 1506237.
Transaction Id: 7dd8630a3a2da1831d8ee521635c5128cf3e273e12379314156c937164cdd5c7
romezowe wrote: 2021-05-12 02:23:59 I propose to make a special address where we ("we" - I have in min "ricksters" :P) will be sending from time to time some RICKs and it will be for next reward. Maybe I will begin... I will create a wallet and send private keys to most trusted people in this project I only know :)

Everyone interested in supporting rewards for miners are welcome to make donations to this address:
That is much appreciated, but please open your own Bounty Topic with your own rules and rewards.
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by DeKon »

I recome to request the reward for PrimaPool (block 1511190).

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Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by Pttn »

Reward Sent! You could open a Faucet for active miners on PrimaPool now :p
Transaction Id: d05aab0198041af6b15938719de10033ac031f9db6f7f1de022249a41d57a283
If Riecoin had the same Market Cap as Dogecoin, which would still be an aberration in a sane world, that would be a Bounty of 1.1 million of Dogecoins...
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by DeKon »

Good idea as a method of redistribution to miners.
So as not to penalize the entire Riecoin community.
I am announcing the creation of 2 Faucets,
the first will be reserved for PrimaPool Space Miners
and the second will be "Official Riecoin" and open to all! 
The rewards are fueling the PrimaPool faucet
and the second will be community fueled.

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by DeKon »

I recome to request the reward for PrimaPool (block 1521552).

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Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by Pttn »

Payment Sent!
Transaction Id: a242ccac3888e9adfbb0d7260a58004919c4cb95735f3416cb0889236985a81d
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by romezowe »


I would like to submit my 9 Tuple:
1533953 2021-06-26 04:32:43 925.289 TomB 346926877...304411 (279) n + (0, 2, 6, 8, 12, 18, 20, 26, 30) 9

BLOCK: 1533953
My address: ric1qkzm5qfppw8n7m404j9t3t22xkvsjf39rfsjl7x

I will use Prize for special event that is planned by me and will be advertised here.
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Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by Pttn »

1000 Riecoins Sent, no need to send me Pms everywhere, just post here...
Transaction Id: c562933f389032ff779854dcfdc210f6533d2908dad76b1691e7c1e7f2e11604

Rule change: to get a doubled reward, the tuple must now not only beat the record, but also have a Difficulty at least 1% higher.
Riecoin developer pool operator

Re: Find 9-tuplets or longer while mining

Post by romezowe »

Thanks. I am proud of my record!
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